Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Year Bakes!

Well, not exactly my first bakes for 2008, but couldn't resist not choosing such a celebratory frame! Also, these were taken with the new cybershot phone, the K770i.

The Peanut Butter Cups will be a hit with peanut butter fans, like my son. However, as we were too eager to taste them, they were not probably set when we ate it. Besides, the peanut butter used is a little creamy. Be warned though, these are nothing but sugar! Perfect for people with sweet-tooth.

Finally, I have found a butter cookie recipe that is a sure winner and therefore a keeper. This is the same recipe as the Disney cookies. This version uses custard powder instead of corn flour. Must say the custard powder has rendered a rather unique bite. Too lazy to roll and cut cookies, so did something really simple and let the taste speak for itself. Will bring some samples to see if anybody would place order for them.

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