How quickly time has flown by, it's another year. My cyber friend was surprised when I told her that I had to rush home to bake a birthday cake for my son. He turned 11 today and I baked him this super and wonderfully chocolatey cake. Admittedly, it is far too chocolatey for my daughter and I. Hubs and son both enjoyed the cake, though. On hindsight, perhaps I should have let it remain a chocolate banana cake or added something else, such as dark cherries, in the middle.
I am not complaining that the cake is too sweet, though. I had used Belgium couverture chocolate both for the cake, as well as the ganache. Perhaps that had contributed to the intense (son said it was bitter) chocolate sensation. I'm sure any chocolate lover would love this. To keep decoration to a minimum, I simply placed 2 Ferrero Rondnoir and 2 sticks of Bourbon cocoa crepe cookies at the top of the cake. For the sides, I broke up some chocolate transfer. It's also a small cake, just 6-inches in width.
I had learnt this from a baking class and I knew this was the cake for my son this year. Again, he had wanted a cake from the store but I managed to convince him to let mummy bake for him. Then I felt stressed, do mummies all feel this way? I'm glad it turned out ok.
In exactly 2 weeks' time, it will be my daughter's birthday. She had requested that her cake be "special", now, what happened to any cake baked by mummy would be special ... aren't children hard to satisfy these days?
I am not complaining that the cake is too sweet, though. I had used Belgium couverture chocolate both for the cake, as well as the ganache. Perhaps that had contributed to the intense (son said it was bitter) chocolate sensation. I'm sure any chocolate lover would love this. To keep decoration to a minimum, I simply placed 2 Ferrero Rondnoir and 2 sticks of Bourbon cocoa crepe cookies at the top of the cake. For the sides, I broke up some chocolate transfer. It's also a small cake, just 6-inches in width.
I had learnt this from a baking class and I knew this was the cake for my son this year. Again, he had wanted a cake from the store but I managed to convince him to let mummy bake for him. Then I felt stressed, do mummies all feel this way? I'm glad it turned out ok.
In exactly 2 weeks' time, it will be my daughter's birthday. She had requested that her cake be "special", now, what happened to any cake baked by mummy would be special ... aren't children hard to satisfy these days?
Wow, this sounds like a very rich and chocolaty cake, I like ;)
Happy 11th birthday to your boy, and happy 'birth' day to you too, for bringing him to this world :D
Thanks HHB, only another mother can undertand huh? I can already feel him slipping away from me ... Oh the cake, yes, I'm sure you'll like :D
I will definately like this dark and rich chocolate cake. Happy birthday to your dear son!
Thanks Grace! All the chocolate lovers are surfacing now :D
Hi Yuri,
Wow! You hibernated for so long, and came out with this beautiful cake? Hey, your cakes are really getting very good! I'd really like this chocolatey cake. Couverture chocolates some more! Yummy. Hope to see more "saliva dropping good" bakes again. Keep it up! Must share all your goodness! :)
Thanks Jane. Good teacher and good recipe no less. Remember, only couverture for "inside" ...
haha, kids are hard to please ya? who ask you to be so nice to them? now they don't want something even better than what you normally give them. don't be stressed la. i'm sure it'll turn out fine. most importantly, tell them to appreciate cos it came from your love for them! =)
Thanks for dropping by Rong! Didn't know you still visit :P Well, the girl is more appreciative, boy, as usual, wont say much ...
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